Just like with work, a diet, or an exercise routine, you may experience burnout when it comes to finding the motivation to stay in the networking arena. How can you get motivated? Try one or more of the below suggestions.
- Shift your focus. Rather than thinking about how networking may help you, look at it as the opportunity to help others. Through connecting with another individual, you may offer just the right piece of advice to motivate him or her to pursue a new job opportunity or open up a door he or she may not have otherwise stepped through.
- Ask someone to mentor you. Need a nudge? Ask a trusted friend or colleague to take you under his or her wing and to tag along to events or simply check in on you now and again. Think of it as having a networking accountability buddy.
- Write down your goals. Sometimes the motivation to keep going comes from establishing clear goals. To aid in doing this, write yours down in a visible place – somewhere you’ll see them regularly. It will help remind you to keep taking the necessary steps to accomplish them, and that can certainly include networking.
- Find sources of inspiration. It could come from a book or even a short quote. If there are a few words that mean a whole lot to you, try making them the lock screen on your phone, or hang that quote as a sign in your office. Have it at the ready to go back to. (Note: we’ve got some great ones in a past blog on our website, here: https://www.pagodabusinessassociation.com/blog/.)
- Switch up your routine. Does your networking simply consist of attending luncheons or after-work happy hour functions? If you answered “yes,” it may be time to mix things up. Try joining in volunteer efforts in your community. Dig a bit and you’re sure to find a cause that resonates with you.
- Practice gratitude. Maybe what you really need is a new perspective. Try practicing gratitude by writing down one thing you’re thankful for in a notebook daily. You may be amazed to see how positivity can make a world of difference in how you go about your day.
Learn more about Pagoda Business Network online at pagodabusinessassociation.com and more about Smith Enterprises Consulting LLC at smithenterprisescorp.com. We’d love to welcome you to a meeting or to help with your business.

Nikki Murry is editor of Berks County Living magazine and a freelance writer, editor, proofreader and blogger. In her free time she is an active dog rescue volunteer and enjoys spending time with her 17-year-old son, Riley, and her three dogs: Figgy and Shelly, French Bulldogs, and Bruno, a Boston Terrier.