Social media can be a great tool for connecting with others, for promoting your business, and for gathering information and input.
It can also be a place where we overshare, or don’t create content with caution, which can lead to trouble. To that end, here are some dos and don’ts as it pertains to social media use.
- Add Value. Think about what you can share with your followers that is of interest to them. You want your “likers” to look forward to your posts. When you share information of value, they’ll continue to come back to your account for more.
- Find your Niche. Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, the list goes on and on. There is no shortage when it comes to social media platforms, but that doesn’t mean you need to be on ALL of them. Figure out which suit you best and stick to mastering those.
- Be YOU. Remember to be authentic when you’re posting. Share things in your voice. Don’t mimic other accounts you view as successful.
- Try and Try Again. You won’t automatically know what kinds of posts will be successful for you. Mix things up to see what strikes a chord with your audience.
- Know your Audience. Pay attention to who is following you. Learn your demographics and keep that information in mind as you craft targeted marketing messages.
- Build Relationships. Promote other businesses you work with by shouting them out on your social media accounts, especially if you think they are of interest or may be valuable to your followers.
- Cut Corners. To be successful on social media, you have to have a well thought out plan and you have to make a commitment to executing it. That plan should include posting regularly, responding to your followers, and tracking your results, at minimum.
- Commit Copyright Infringement. This is especially true when it comes to using imagery. Invest in a stock image service. You’ll be glad you did.
- Forget Social Media Policies. Make sure your employees know what they are and that what they post doesn’t reflect poorly on your business.
- Fear Criticism. It’s social media, and it’s going to happen. Keyboard warriors are everywhere. Take action when necessary, but also know when to just take a deep breath, ignore it and move on.
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Nikki Murry is editor of Berks County Living magazine and a freelance writer, editor, proofreader and blogger. In her free time she is an active dog rescue volunteer and enjoys spending time with her 17-year-old son, Riley, and her three dogs: Figgy and Shelly, French Bulldogs, and Bruno, a Boston Terrier.